Downloading Your Invoices
You are able to manage all of your Redman invoices online with your account. Follow the steps below to learn how.
In This Article
Logging Into Your Account
In a previous article, we reviewed how to log into your account
Viewing and Downloading Your Invoices
Once you have logged into your account, you can view a full list of all “Waiting On Payment” and Paid Invoices. Simply access the drop down menu for Billing from the black menu bar at the top of the Homepage then select My Invoices.On this screen you will see the Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Due Date; Total; Status for each individual Invoice.
To the far right of each invoice will be status. Select the Colored Status to view the Invoice
After selecting the grey View Invoice button a new window will open showing the selected Invoice and all its details.
From this screen, scroll down and you will see options to print the page from your browser options or you can download it as a file to your computer.
You also have the option to go Back to Client Area using the link at the bottom of the invoice.