How Do I Block Someone Who is Spamming me Through the Website?

Blocking Emails

With your Redman Website, you are able to block specific email addresses that are sending you unwanted messages or spamming you through the website.

In This Article

Logging Into The Redman Workstation

In a previous article, we discussed “How To Login To Your Redman Workstation”. To gain insight on how to “login to your Redman website”, simply follow the steps here.


Blocking an Email from Spamming You Through the Website

Once you have logged into the Redman Workstation you will be able to select “Settings” from the black navigation bar. From the drop-down menu, select “Blocked Emails”


blocked emails


One you have navigated to the “Blocked Email Addresses” page, simply use the text box to type in the email address you woul like to block.

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Select the grey “Block Email” button to put the email address on your blocked email list.

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Removing an Email From the Block List

If you wish to remove an email address from the block list simply select the grey check box and select the red “Delete Selected” button.

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