What is The Redman EBlast System?

The Redman EBlast System

Redman’s EBlast system is designed for long-term follow-up for clients or non-clients alike. Whether you are looking to send a monthly newsletter, send a targeted group of leads information or send out an email Christmas card, our EBlast system will work for you.

Through Redman’s EBlast System, you can easily measure the success of your campaigns. If you know who opened your emails, what they clicked on, who bounced and who unsubscribed, you can start to understand who your audience really is, and what they are interested in.

For every campaign you send, Redman’s EBlast System automatically creates reports that are:

  • Easy to understand
  • Automatically updated
  • Simple to share with other people

Save Time

What administrative work? Sending the email might not take too long (although it may crush your mail systems internally!). It’s dealing with the results of your campaign that can eat up your time.

Subscribe and Unsubscribe Requests

Every time you send a campaign, some people are likely to want to get off the list. It may only take you a minute or two to deal with, but if you need to stop what you are doing and switch tasks, it adds up quickly. And what happens if you miss one and send to that person again?

Redman’s EBlast System lets people unsubscribe instantly from any email they receive, and your list is updated automatically. The Redman EBlast system will automatically give them a confirmation of unsubscribing, as well as give them the option to opt back in if the button was clicked on by mistake.

Dealing With Bounced Emails

For any given campaign, you might expect up to 10% of the emails to be bounced back to you. That could be hundreds or thousands of emails you need to handle somehow.

Are they permanent bounces? Then should you remove them from your list? Or do you need to resend the email to them?

Redman’s EBlast System instantly removes hard bounces and re-sends your campaigns automatically to address messages which soft bounce.

Dealing With Spam Complaints

Sometimes people forget that they signed up for your emails and hit the spam button. Redman’s Eblast System instantly removes people from your list when they make a spam complaint, ensuring they do not receive any more email.

Take The Strain Off Your Servers

We’ve heard of more than one marketing manager staying up till all hours trying to send email campaigns out without shutting down the company email network.

Let our servers handle that load for you!

Improve Your Deliverability

Your email campaign can only succeed if your recipients are actually able to read it. Using Redman EBlast Systems to send your campaigns can have a big impact on the number of people receiving the emails.

We can help to make sure your message is clear no matter where you are sending your emails.

Whitelisting & Feedback Loops

The Redman EBlast system maintains relationships with major ISPs like AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo! and many more that mean our mail servers are recognized as legitimate senders of bulk email, so your campaigns have a much greater chance of being delivered.

 Monitoring Of Blacklists

We continually check blacklisting services to make sure our servers are not being listed, something which is time-consuming and complex to do for your own servers.

 Specialized Network of Mail Servers

Our mail servers optimize email delivery for particular recipient mail systems, throttling the speed of delivery to match acceptable levels for each system.
If you would like any additional information or have any questions in regards to our EBlast system please contact us