What is the Ideal Image Size for Team Module?

The Ideal Image Size for Team Module

The ideal image aspect ratio for the Team Module is 2×3 (200 pixel x 300 pixel) and the ideal image aspect ratio for the Agent Roster is 3×4 (300 pixel x 400pixel).

The Team Module image aspect ratio of 2×3 is important because images added in this module will always be left justified without any way to edit the image after it has been loaded to the site. Editing the image to the correct ratio before adding it to the site will allow you more control over how the image appears.

The aspect ratio is just how big the sides are compared to the top and bottom of the image. If the image is the correct aspect ratio, the editor will automatically configure the image to the optimal size.

You can use any programs you currently have on your computer to view the aspect ratio or you can use a variety of programs online to update your aspect ratio to the optimal image setting.